Sport Blog


Sport and healthy eating go hand in hand. Do you want to build up a sports routine? We'll show you how to easily integrate sport and healthy eating into your everyday life. You can also find out how to create a nutrition plan and which foods you should consume before and after exercise.


So erstellst du einen Trainingsplan

How to create a workout plan – 5 steps to your ...

Create your own training plan – what may sound absurd at first can actually be achieved by anyone with a few tips and tricks. We will explain in five steps...

Nicolas Dworak

How to create a workout plan – 5 steps to your ...

Create your own training plan – what may sound absurd at first can actually be achieved by anyone with a few tips and tricks. We will explain in five steps...

Nicolas Dworak
Sport Frühstück

Fitness breakfast: 5 tips and protein recipes

It turns out that proteins perform important tasks both before and after training. No matter whether you eat breakfast before or after your workout, our VERIVAL Protein Muesli and Porridge...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Fitness breakfast: 5 tips and protein recipes

It turns out that proteins perform important tasks both before and after training. No matter whether you eat breakfast before or after your workout, our VERIVAL Protein Muesli and Porridge...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Darum ist Post Workout Meal wichtig

Post Workout Meal: This is how it works best!

The post-workout meal is particularly important for proper muscle building and/or weight loss. This blog post will show you how a post-workout meal works best and which nutrients you should...

Dominik Wendl

Post Workout Meal: This is how it works best!

The post-workout meal is particularly important for proper muscle building and/or weight loss. This blog post will show you how a post-workout meal works best and which nutrients you should...

Dominik Wendl
Vegetarier Muskelaufbau

5 Tips for Building Muscle with a Vegetarian Diet

Building muscle is a challenging goal for many individuals. Exercise and strength training alone are not sufficient to enlarge your muscles. In today's blog post, you will learn how to...

Dominik Wendl

5 Tips for Building Muscle with a Vegetarian Diet

Building muscle is a challenging goal for many individuals. Exercise and strength training alone are not sufficient to enlarge your muscles. In today's blog post, you will learn how to...

Dominik Wendl
Wichtigsten Proteinquellen für AusdauersportlerInnen

These are the most important protein sources fo...

Proteins are indispensable for our bodies. While the protein requirements of the general population are usually met unconsciously, athletes should pay more attention to them due to their increased needs....

Nicolas Dworak

These are the most important protein sources fo...

Proteins are indispensable for our bodies. While the protein requirements of the general population are usually met unconsciously, athletes should pay more attention to them due to their increased needs....

Nicolas Dworak

3 Protein Toppings You Need to Know

Oatmeal toppings can enhance your porridge wonderfully and also provide other nutrients that your body needs. Discover more about our top 3 toppings for a high-protein breakfast now!

Katharina Hann

3 Protein Toppings You Need to Know

Oatmeal toppings can enhance your porridge wonderfully and also provide other nutrients that your body needs. Discover more about our top 3 toppings for a high-protein breakfast now!

Katharina Hann
Vitamine und Mineralstoffe sind besonders für Sportler wichtig.

What vitamins and minerals do I need as an athl...

Vitamins and minerals perform important tasks in the body. Whether essential for the immune system or as a stimulant, a balanced diet ensures that your body can perform all functions....

Katharina Hann

What vitamins and minerals do I need as an athl...

Vitamins and minerals perform important tasks in the body. Whether essential for the immune system or as a stimulant, a balanced diet ensures that your body can perform all functions....

Katharina Hann
Die Rolle des BMI im Ausdauersport

The Role of BMI in Endurance Sports

In this post, we'll take a look at what you should keep in mind when considering BMI, especially as an endurance athlete. You'll also learn how to get the most...

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Role of BMI in Endurance Sports

In this post, we'll take a look at what you should keep in mind when considering BMI, especially as an endurance athlete. You'll also learn how to get the most...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Was kann man aus Haferflocken alles zubereiten?

Strengthening the Immune System – Sports & Exer...

Our immune system, i.e., everything that is part of our body's defenses, does amazing things every day. This is how we stay healthy and fit. To this end, it repels...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Strengthening the Immune System – Sports & Exer...

Our immune system, i.e., everything that is part of our body's defenses, does amazing things every day. This is how we stay healthy and fit. To this end, it repels...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Richtig essen nach dem Training – alles, was du wissen solltest

Eat Right After Your Workout – Everything You N...

Proper nutrition after exercise is essential for building muscle and losing weight. However, you do not have to resort to ready-made fitness shakes or protein bars. It's important to consume...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Eat Right After Your Workout – Everything You N...

Proper nutrition after exercise is essential for building muscle and losing weight. However, you do not have to resort to ready-made fitness shakes or protein bars. It's important to consume...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Reichhaltiges Protein Frühstück für alle Athleten

Protein-Rich Breakfast for All Athletes

For a protein-rich breakfast, athletes best rely on foods such as oatmeal, eggs, or low-fat quark. These foods provide important amino acids, which are the fundamental building blocks for muscle...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Protein-Rich Breakfast for All Athletes

For a protein-rich breakfast, athletes best rely on foods such as oatmeal, eggs, or low-fat quark. These foods provide important amino acids, which are the fundamental building blocks for muscle...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Sport & Ernährung - Was du nicht essen solltest

Exercise & Nutrition – What Not to Eat

The right food before exercise and an adapted diet are the basic building blocks for successful training. It is important to avoid alcohol, sweets, and fast food, while also ensuring...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Exercise & Nutrition – What Not to Eat

The right food before exercise and an adapted diet are the basic building blocks for successful training. It is important to avoid alcohol, sweets, and fast food, while also ensuring...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Proteine sind ein wichtiger Begleiter beim Sport

Are Plant-Based Proteins Really Better?

Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular. However, despite their growing acceptance among many individuals, they often face criticism. In particular, discussions frequently arise regarding the ability of these diets to...

Nicolas Dworak

Are Plant-Based Proteins Really Better?

Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular. However, despite their growing acceptance among many individuals, they often face criticism. In particular, discussions frequently arise regarding the ability of these diets to...

Nicolas Dworak
BMI (Body Mass Index) für Sportler & Sportlerinnen

BMI (Body Mass Index) for Athletes

The result of the BMI value is used to assess whether an individual is classified as normal weight, overweight, or underweight. You can find out why this value is critical...

Alexandra Wiesinger

BMI (Body Mass Index) for Athletes

The result of the BMI value is used to assess whether an individual is classified as normal weight, overweight, or underweight. You can find out why this value is critical...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Frühstück Porridge vor und nach dem Sport

Muesli: The Perfect Breakfast Before Exercise

Before your workout, it is important to have a healthy breakfast that provides you with energy. This post explores why muesli is the ideal breakfast before exercise and presents delicious...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Muesli: The Perfect Breakfast Before Exercise

Before your workout, it is important to have a healthy breakfast that provides you with energy. This post explores why muesli is the ideal breakfast before exercise and presents delicious...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Das ideale Frühstück vor dem Sport: Porridge

The Ideal Breakfast Before Exercise: Porridge

Porridge provides us with essential nutrients that offer long-term energy. In this blog, we will explain why you should eat oatmeal before your workout.

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Ideal Breakfast Before Exercise: Porridge

Porridge provides us with essential nutrients that offer long-term energy. In this blog, we will explain why you should eat oatmeal before your workout.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Darum ist Porridge das beste Frühstück vor dem Sport

That's why porridge is the best breakfast befor...

With their nutritional values and satiating properties, oatmeal is perfect for athletes. It is a particularly good breakfast before training, both in muesli and in oatmeal.

Alexandra Wiesinger

That's why porridge is the best breakfast befor...

With their nutritional values and satiating properties, oatmeal is perfect for athletes. It is a particularly good breakfast before training, both in muesli and in oatmeal.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Besten Bergsportarten in Österreich

The Best Mountain Sports in Austria

When you think of Austria, the mountains are probably one of the first things that come to mind spontaneously. For us at Verival, the mountains play a very special role....

Dominik Wendl

The Best Mountain Sports in Austria

When you think of Austria, the mountains are probably one of the first things that come to mind spontaneously. For us at Verival, the mountains play a very special role....

Dominik Wendl