Porridge , the power breakfast made from oatmeal , originally comes from Scotland and provides the human organism with a high concentration of complex carbohydrates, which sustainably stabilize blood sugar levels and continuously satisfy them.
In addition, the healthy bioactive substances bind cholesterol and reliably prevent food cravings. The oat mucus also contains numerous precious vitamins and minerals that have an immune-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, vitalizing, and regenerating effect.
Proteins and fiber stimulate the production of new body cells and aid digestion, completing the nutrient profile of high-quality oats.
Feel healthy & good with porridge

Regular consumption of the stomach-friendly oatmeal therefore fights the body's own inflammatory reactions, boosts the immune system, and enhances metabolism.
In parallel, porridge lowers cholesterol levels, aids in weight loss, and promotes the repair mechanisms of the entire organism. The high protein content supports muscle building and the synthesis of new body cells.
Due to its health-promoting, filling, and soothing properties, oatmeal is one of the favorite breakfasts of health-conscious individuals worldwide. That's why porridge is also considered above-average as a healthy dinner.
The method of preparing oatmeal directly determines the nutrient and calorie content of the dish. Hence, toppings and the liquid used are largely responsible for the fat content of the oatmeal.
When prepared with water, oatmeal contains comparatively fewer calories than porridge made with kefir, skyr, cow's milk, or plant milk. Toppings increase both the nutritional value and calorie content.
Do you know your calorie needs? Use Verival's free calorie calculator now.
Why is porridge also healthy in the evening?
Because of its precious ingredients, eating oats is very healthy both in the morning and in the evening. The high proportion of complex carbohydrates satisfies for an above-average period of time, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces the likelihood of evening cravings. Those who want to lose weight particularly benefit from this effect, as the persistent feeling of fullness curbs uncontrolled snacking.

Oatmeal for dinner also replenishes the body's nutrient stores in the evening, which, when well filled, ideally support the body during its nighttime repair processes.
The consumption of protein-rich foods such as oatmeal, kefir, cow's milk, or plant milk encourages the human organism to release more of its own growth hormones during sleep.
Such substances have a cell-protective effect and serve as a gentle "rejuvenation" for the body. The vitamins and minerals in oatmeal enhance nutrient and oxygen exchange between individual cells and effectively inhibit inflammatory reactions in muscles, skin, and tissues.
What are the benefits of eating porridge in the evening?
If you enjoy porridge as an evening meal, you will recharge your body's nutrient stores shortly before bedtime, which support the entire organism in its regeneration and repair processes.
Additionally, oatmeal as an evening meal stimulates the production of cell-protecting growth hormones. Porridge for dinner is therefore a potential "secret weapon" that accelerates the natural regeneration of the body, allows muscle fibers to grow comparatively faster, and stimulates the formation of new body cells.
What are the disadvantages of eating porridge in the evening?
In addition to cell-protective, anti-inflammatory bioactive substances, oats are very high in fiber. The fiber dissolved in the oatmeal therefore stimulates digestion in a targeted manner and develops a gentle laxative effect, which may hamper falling asleep.
Can oatmeal also help with weight loss?
Due to its antioxidant, satiating, and immune-activating nutrients, porridge is an optimal building block for a healthy breakfast or dinner.
Porridge is rich in complex carbohydrates, which the human organism digests relatively slowly. The carbohydrate chains allow the blood sugar level to rise relatively gently. This prevents fluctuations in blood sugar , which demonstrably promote food cravings, lead to uncontrolled eating behavior, and are counterproductive for weight loss.
In addition, oats are important sources of fiber. They enhance the human metabolism, accelerate fat burning, and serve as basic building blocks for healthy weight loss.

At the same time, fiber increases the volume of food in the stomach and intestines without having a high energy or calorie density. Oatmeals actually aid in weight loss due to these aspects and reduce the risk of a possible yo-yo effect.
For sustainable weight loss, however, it is crucial to refrain from consuming excessive amounts of porridge. 50g of oats are therefore considered the upper limit for creating a meal that helps with gentle weight loss. In the Verival article "Is porridge suitable for weight loss", we discuss this interesting topic in more detail.
Which porridge variants & preparations are available for dinner?
Oatmeal & Alternatives as a Base
Oatmeal is at the heart of classic porridge recipes . Alternatively, however, other cereals such as spelt, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat can also be used as the base for healthy porridge.
Porridge Toppings

Toppings skillfully enhance individual variations and maximize the nutrient content of each creation. Accordingly, berries (cranberries ), peeled hemp seeds, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts (cashews ), Ceylon cinnamon, nutmeg, ground almonds, and virgin linseed or hemp oil are suitable for refining the porridge.
A variety of ingredients help to create high-quality oats. To this end, be inspired by the rich assortment of Verival and create porridge recipes that enhance your individual health and serve as a gentle "beauty cure".
Oatmeal promotes digestion
Oatmeal is indeed considered a "versatile all-rounder" among healthy cereal flakes. Unlike other cereals, they boast a rich, health-promoting nutrient profile, are available relatively inexpensively on the market, and have belonged to the group of healthy home remedies for gastrointestinal complaints since the 19th century.
High-quality ingredients in porridge
- 100g oatmeal contains 370 kilocalories
- 13g protein
- 63g complex carbohydrates
- 10g fiber
- as well as 7g fat.
In addition, the cereal flakes contain vitamins B2, B6 and E, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, copper, potassium, and sodium.
Those who continuously integrate cereal flakes into their dietary habits improve individual skin health, alleviate the natural aging process, and stimulate hair growth.
Porridge: Sustained saturation
Since the human stomach takes a relatively long time to break down the complex carbohydrate chains dissolving in the cereal flakes, they provide sustained satiety.
The fiber prevents contact between gastric juice and gastric mucosa, making oatmeal gentle on the stomach. In addition, the oat-specific fiber beta-glucan binds cholesterol from the blood.
The consumption of 40g of cereal flakes per day is sufficient for this. Porridge based on spelt & co serves as an important source of invigorating nutrients that have been proven to promote health.
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