Nutrition is one of the most discussed topics in the history of mankind. What you feed your body is extremely relevant to health and the general state of mind.
Of course, there are also different prejudices about various types of food. But you don't just choose an alternative type of diet for the sake of your own body or health.
There are also more and more climate-related and animal-ethical concerns regarding everyday, meat-heavy diets. So which types are differentiated, and what effects do they have on your body? Below we will show you some diets and explain what they mean.
We will only touch on this category briefly, as it is probably the easiest to explain. Omnivores eat everything, as the name suggests. They do not restrict themselves to personal preferences and tastes, consuming both animal and plant products in a mixed diet.
Vegetarianism is probably the classic among all the different types of diets. The oldest alternative to the traditional omnivore diet has its origins in ancient times.
Initially, a meatless diet arose independently in Greek culture and in the Indian region. Recent studies, however, indicate that no consistent form of vegetarianism could be identified.
One interesting study result showed that there was already a low-meat diet in ancient Egypt — although there was sufficient livestock and fish available, the primary diet consisted of vegetables and cereals.
Vegetarianism means that one only consumes plant-based products and products from living animals. Therefore, eggs, cheese, and similar items are perfectly acceptable. Studies have shown that vegetarians generally have a lower mortality rate than the average population.
As the name suggests, pescetarianism is a variation of vegetarianism. Pescatarians do not eat meat, but they do consume fish (from "piscis" = Latin for "fish"). Pescatarians primarily focus on a healthy diet, which they try to enhance with fish products.
However, the English "Vegetarian Society," the first association of vegetarians founded in 1847, clearly states that consuming fish products is incompatible with a vegetarian diet and with basic vegetarian ethics.
Therefore, pescatarians essentially consume fish, and some also eat other seafood such as crustaceans and mollusks, though opinions vary on this matter. The benefits of a pescatarian diet include the provision of valuable proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and amino acids that are easier to process than their plant-based counterparts.
However, there are disadvantages related to the overfishing of many species and the fact that edible fish are often contaminated with environmental toxins, which can affect human health.
Flexitarianism describes a dietary approach that includes meat but does not emphasize meat consumption. For example, flexitarians try to avoid meat but are not strictly opposed to it if they desire it. However, they pay great attention to animal welfare and the quality of the meat they consume. Their motivation usually has a health component.
The proportion of flexitarians is generally higher in older households than in younger ones. An animal ethical component also plays a significant role here. For instance, flexitarians typically advocate for species-appropriate animal husbandry and seek to counteract the cheap meat consumption trend. According to studies, flexitarians generally lead healthier lives.
Overall, this group consumes less meat, leading to a more conscious, healthier lifestyle. Various health experts claim that a flexitarian lifestyle would be just right, as there is no threat of nutrient deficiency. There is also a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Currently, veganism is probably the most well-known alternative diet alongside vegetarianism. This type of diet is both controversial and widely loved. It is rare for a topic to divide friends or unite strangers as quickly.
Living vegan means not only avoiding all products from animal sources but also embracing a way of life and a responsibility. Vegans face prejudices and various opinions almost daily.
It is now well established that a well-planned vegan diet, armed with the necessary knowledge of nutrition, can be devoid of deficiencies. However, many doctors still express caution regarding a vegan diet during certain life stages, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and growth phases.
At Verival, we offer an extensive range of vegan products.
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Frutarianism, also referred to as Fruganism, is a so-called "radical" fringe group of veganism. This diet consists solely of fruits. It is essential that the plant is not harmed during harvesting.
For instance, many followers of this diet only consume fruits or nuts that have already fallen from the tree. However, the specific rules of this unique diet are quite controversial. Some Frugans, for example, consume honey, while others completely exclude it. As such, there are no definitive rules.
Nutritionists, however, believe that those who exclusively consume fruit are likely to experience deficiencies. Common deficiencies include proteins, vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, and iodine, among others. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists agree that this type of diet should be approached with caution.
In conclusion, regardless of which alternative diet you choose or would like to explore, consulting with a doctor beforehand is advisable. Regular blood tests can indicate whether the body is receiving everything it needs or if there are deficiencies.
As producers of organic food, we find the discussion about different dietary types crucial, especially concerning climate change. Even small changes in consumer behavior can have a significant impact if enough people join together.